US retailers struggle to ‘right-size’ inventories

Time:2022-06-06  Source:Original website  Popularity:625

Forsome US retailers, inventories are too high, but others are steadily buildingstockpiles to mitigate supply chain risks ahead of the year-end holidays,

keeping freight demand high.

Top US Shippers:Congestion, equipment shortages stifle resin export rebound

US chemical shipperssaw a rare decline in export volumes during 2021 as the lack of railcars andthe imports inundating ports. 

Top US Shippers: Toy makers fight for ocean capacity to handle rising volumes

Likemost importers, toy makers struggled to get the ocean vessel capacity they needed in 2021 while also dealing with 

multiple COVID-19 lockdowns in China,where 89.7 percent of all US toy imports are sourced.